Xenos is an action packed game that is similar to the arcade classic Xevious from Atari. It has smooth scrolling and asynchronous sounds. I wrote this game for the Macintosh to sharpen my programming skills and to create a fast-pace game. I used Think C 4.05 and ResEdit to create it. Please let me know what you think of it. I know the graphics could be spiced up a bit, but the level of my artistic skills go as far as drawing stick people.
A complete Xenos package includes:
*Xenos Read me*
Xenos program
Game files
Xenos is FREEWARE. If anybody would like to have Xenos, you may give him/her a copy, but the package must be complete with all files listed above.
This game requires 1500k of ram to run safely, must run on at least a MacII, System 7.0 or higher, 32-bit QuickDraw, and at least a 13" Color monitor capable of displaying 16 colors. I'll try to get a System 6.0.7 version out, but my sound routines dont like anything earlier than 7.0.
In this game, you fly over various regions on a planet's surface, fight your way through various waves of enemies, and destroy the Boss ship at the end. Seems simple enough.
Your ship moves in 8 directions. It is equiped with a laser cannon and a bomb bay. For safety reasons, the laser is designed to fire only 3 shots at a time or it will burn out. Also, the bombers in your ship can load up to 3 bombs at a time for your disposal. The targeting marker in front of your ship helps align the bombs with the targets on the ground. A red marker will be placed at the target site when a bomb is dropped.
There are a few basic types of enemies that you may encounter. The FLYERS are ships that fly in various patterns to confuse you. They generally shoot once and then leave to reload. A single laser shot can take care of them. The GROUNDERS consist of either missile silos or roving tanks. In either case, only the bombs can destroy them. Another class of GROUNDERS are the SENTRYS. They are larger than their siblings but require a direct bomb hit on its gun site. Watch out for the GROUNDER class since they can fire multiple times. The MOTHER SHIP is a large and colorful ship. Its flashing lights try to hypnotise you but you will know what to do when you see it. (Hint: 4 well placed shots can disable it). Finally there is the Boss ship. There is one kind per world and it is nasty. It usually takes several hits to destroy it, but dont be discouraged.
Throughout your mission, there will be several supply ships in the area to help you on the mission. They will drop various kinds of bonuses such as these (S = Shield Replacement, I = temporary Invunerability, F = Freeze: temporarily stops time, and an extra ship). Simply run into objects to obtain them. Every 10000pts = extra man.
NOTE: The harder the difficulty setting, the more everything is worth.
After you open a World file, you can start at any level of the world. A request from a friend who wanted to see all levels without having to play the entire world. If there is a particular feature that may make the game better, please let me know.
When you save the High Scores or Keys, you must create/replace the file in the same folder as the game. Use the name already entered in the Save dialog and just click the Save button. Right now it is the only way Xenos will recognize these files.
To increase animation speed, set the Speed dialog to ZERO. Disabling the sounds will only give you slightly more speed. To PAUSE the game, press the CapLocks key. To RESUME a game, make sure CapLocks is off and Cmd-R. I originally had special cheat keys in the game but decided that the game needed to be at least slightly challenging.
There may be some problems with sounds playing. I am looking into these problems right now, but if you have suggestions of a possible solutions, feel free to let me know.
Although I do not have an account online yet, please send your constructive comments and questions to my friend who uploaded the program.